Raw Luxury
The purest hair on the market...100% Raw Unprocessed Human Hair imported from temples around the world. True luxury at its best. Our Raw Luxury extensions are thick, full, and luxurious with all cuticles running in the same direction. No synthetic fibers, no animal fillers. This texture promises to be the best luxury extensions you will ever find! When wet, hair will always return to its natural curl/wave pattern. Because each bundle comes from a single donor, no two curl patterns will be the same. We guarantee little to no shedding regardless of texture and wave pattern. When properly maintained, hair is reusable for many years. Medium-Low luster.
HAIR IS MEASURED WHEN PULLED STRAIGHT. Approximate shrinkage while in wavy state is 1.5 inches. Please put this into consideration when making your length selections.
2 or more bundles are required for a full sew-in.
Each bundle weighs around 3.5 ounces